FODMAP Stanford- the FODMAP Food List
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), then the Low FODMAP Stanford food list, found below, is essential information. Scroll down to find it! Before we go into the Low FODMAP food list itself, let’s talk a little bit about what FODMAPs are, and why that can cause problems for individuals with IBS.
First of all, FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides and Polyols. Easy, makes perfect sense, right? In layman’s terms, these are special types of carbohydrates, or sugars, that people with IBS have difficulty digesting. These carbs are only found in certain types of food, and are often fermented by bacteria in the intestines, rather than digested. This causes the symptoms of IBS.
What is on the FODMAP Food List?
Some widely known FODMAPs are:
Fructose: a sugar found in fruits, honey, and corn syrup (high fructose corn syrup gets its name for a reason)
Lactose: found in dairy products (think milk and cheese)
Fructans: a component commonly found in wheat, other grains, onion and garlic
Galactans: beans, lentils, and legumes (soy, peanuts, etc)
Polyols: artificial sweeteners like sorbitol and xylitol, and some stone fruits like avocados, apricots, cherries and peaches
Reducing the intake of foods high in FODMAPs can help reduce the symptoms of IBS and other digestive disorders. If you or a loved one are affected by these symptoms and have been diagnosed, consult the chart below to see which foods contain the FODMAPs and which don’t, and structure your meals to include foods low in FODMAPs.
Don’t despair, you don’t necessarily have to give up higher FODMAP foods however. Instead, it’s often recommended by doctors to cut out high FODMAP foods for over a month, and then gradually re-introduce them. If they don’t cause intestinal problems, they’re okay to eat! Everyone’s body is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to irritable bowels.
“The Stanford Meal Plan”
Don’t think of it as reducing your available foods forever, think of it as the Stanford Meal Plan. Meal plans aren’t always set in stone, and you should feel free to experiment with different combinations of low FODMAP ingredients to make it your own. Of course, consult with your physician before making any dramatic dietary changes, they will have a plan for you and your diet to reduce your symptoms of IBS.
The food list below isn’t exhaustive, and the latest FODMAP food list can be found on the Monash App or the FODMAP Friendly App. Heading to the grocery store? Casa de Sante also has a free, printable low FODMAP shopping list available for download. Casa de Sante also sells a wide variety of high quality, low FODMAP food, seasonings, drinks and more. For all things FODMAP, from low FODMAP recipes to tips and tricks for living the Low FODMAP lifestyle, Casa De Sante is your source.