I have shared my personal struggle with bloating and digestive issues. While it is not a sexy subject it is absolutely one that many people deal with and I am not afraid to talk about it. You can ease the chances that you will become bloated by following these tips. But what do you do when you are currently suffering from bloat or an upset stomach?  Over the counter cures for gas and bloating provide no relief for me (I am talking to you Gas-X). Also, Pepto-Bismol and Tums have literally zero effect on my upset stomach symptoms.
When I found the folks at Casa de Sante created a natural infusion made with Ayurvedic herbs and spices that calm the digestive system I wanted to know more.
[You know how much I love the natural life.]
I tried their lemonAID mild pre-made wellness infusion tea and I was impressed. The day I decided to pop open the bottle I was bloated  and experiencing bit of acid reflux (not unusual for me). My acid reflux was calmed when I finished 1 full cup of the infusion tea. I noticed that my bloating decreased about 20 minutes after drinking lemonAID.
So what gives here? What about this concoction helped me? It turns out that the ingredients used in lemonAIDÂ are a blend of soothing herbs and fruits.
Lemon: Cleansing to the body and digestive system.
Turmeric: contains bioactive curcumin, with natural inflammatory properties.
Mint: Reduces nausea, bloating, gas and indigestion.
Fennel: Promotes digestion and has natural anti-inflammatory properties.
Ginger: Anti-inflammatory and soothing digestive aid.
Cinnamon: relieves nausea and vomiting.
Tamarind: Eases stomach discomfort, bloating and aids digestion.
Despite having ingredients like turmeric and tamarind the mild lemonAID has a mellow and soothing taste. I would say that the mint, lemon and ginger are the most prominent tastes.
I have noticed a few blogs and Pinterest posts lately showing homemade recipes for digestive teas that claim to help with bloating. I think these can be useful but I know that when I am in the throes of a flare up or dealing with extreme bloating I am unlikely to spend 30 minutes chopping ginger, boiling leaves and brewing homemade tea.
It’s just not going to happen.
I am planning to keep lemonAIDÂ on hand for these episodes in the future!
You can peruse the Casa de Sante collection of soothing teas and low FODMAP spice mixes here!