IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot by Genova Diagnostics Vs LEAPs Test

Food sensitivity testing has become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people are becoming aware of the impact that certain foods can have on their health and well-being. Two commonly used tests in this field are the IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot by Genova Diagnostics and the LEAPs Test. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two tests and help you understand which one might be the right choice for you.

Understanding Food Sensitivity Tests

Before diving into the specifics of each test, it is important to have a basic understanding of food sensitivity tests. Food sensitivities are reactions that occur when our bodies have difficulty digesting certain types of food. Unlike food allergies, which often present immediate and severe symptoms, food sensitivities can be more subtle and take longer to manifest.

Food sensitivity tests are designed to identify these sensitivities by measuring the levels of antibodies in the blood that are produced in response to specific foods. These tests can help individuals pinpoint which foods may be causing them discomfort or other adverse symptoms, allowing them to make more informed dietary choices.

Food sensitivity tests have become increasingly popular in recent years, as more and more people are recognizing the impact that food can have on their overall health and well-being. By identifying and eliminating trigger foods, individuals can experience significant improvements in their digestion, energy levels, and overall quality of life.

What is IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test?

The IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test is a widely used food sensitivity test offered by Genova Diagnostics. It detects IgG antibodies, which are immune system proteins, in response to various specific foods. This test provides a comprehensive analysis of the individual's immune response to a wide range of foods, allowing for personalized dietary modifications. It is a convenient and non-invasive test that requires only a small blood sample.

During the IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test, a small blood sample is taken from the individual and sent to a laboratory for analysis. The laboratory technicians then measure the levels of IgG antibodies present in the blood in response to different food antigens. The results are typically presented in a comprehensive report, indicating which foods the individual may be sensitive to and the severity of the sensitivity.

Once the test results are received, individuals can work with healthcare professionals, such as dietitians or nutritionists, to develop a personalized dietary plan. This plan may involve eliminating or reducing the consumption of foods that trigger a strong immune response, while increasing the intake of foods that are well-tolerated. By following this plan, individuals can experience relief from symptoms and improve their overall health.

What is LEAPs Test?

The LEAPs (Lifestyle, Eating, and Performance) Test is another food sensitivity test offered by Oxford Biomedical Technologies. This test utilizes a patented technology known as MRT (Mediator Release Test) to measure the release of chemical mediators from white blood cells in response to specific foods. By analyzing these reactions, the LEAPs Test identifies the foods and chemical additives that may be triggering adverse reactions in an individual.

The LEAPs Test is often recommended for individuals who have not found relief from their symptoms using other food sensitivity tests. It provides a more comprehensive analysis by measuring not only IgG antibodies but also the release of chemical mediators. This additional information can help individuals identify hidden triggers that may have been missed by other tests.

During the LEAPs Test, a blood sample is taken from the individual and sent to a specialized laboratory for analysis. The laboratory technicians then expose the white blood cells in the sample to different food antigens and measure the release of chemical mediators. The results are typically presented in a detailed report, indicating the foods and chemical additives that are causing adverse reactions.

Based on the results of the LEAPs Test, individuals can work with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized dietary plan. This plan may involve eliminating or reducing the consumption of specific foods or chemical additives that trigger adverse reactions, while incorporating foods that are well-tolerated. By following this plan, individuals can experience significant improvements in their symptoms and overall well-being.

The Science Behind the Tests

To truly understand the differences between these two tests, it is essential to delve into the science behind them.

When it comes to food sensitivity testing, there are various methods used to identify potential triggers. Two popular tests are the IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test and the LEAPs Test. These tests provide valuable information about an individual's immune response to specific foods and can help guide dietary choices for optimal health.

The Role of IgG Antibodies in Food Sensitivity

IgG antibodies are a type of immune system protein that can be produced in response to specific foods. These antibodies play a crucial role in immune defense by binding to antigens found in these foods. When IgG antibodies bind to antigens, they form immune complexes that can trigger an inflammatory response in the body.

In the context of food sensitivity, elevated IgG antibody levels are believed to indicate an immune reaction to certain foods. The IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test detects and quantifies these antibodies, providing valuable information about potential food sensitivities. By identifying specific foods that elicit an immune response, individuals can make informed decisions about their diet and potentially alleviate symptoms related to food sensitivities.

The Mechanism of LEAPs Test

The LEAPs Test takes a different approach to food sensitivity testing by measuring the release of chemical mediators from white blood cells. When the immune system encounters a food or additive to which an individual is sensitive, certain white blood cells, known as mast cells and basophils, release these mediators as part of an inflammatory response.

The release of chemical mediators, such as histamine and leukotrienes, leads to various symptoms associated with food sensitivities, including digestive issues, skin rashes, and respiratory problems. The LEAPs Test identifies which specific foods are causing these reactions by analyzing the release of these mediators.

During the LEAPs Test, a blood sample is collected and exposed to a panel of potential food triggers. The white blood cells in the sample are then stimulated, and the release of chemical mediators is measured. By comparing the levels of mediators released in response to different foods, the test can pinpoint the specific triggers that are causing an immune response in an individual.

Once the trigger foods are identified, a personalized dietary plan can be created, focusing on eliminating or reducing the consumption of these specific foods. By avoiding the foods that induce an immune response, individuals can potentially alleviate symptoms and improve their overall well-being.

It is important to note that both the IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test and the LEAPs Test have their strengths and limitations. Each test provides unique insights into an individual's immune response to food, allowing for a tailored approach to managing food sensitivities. Consulting with a healthcare professional experienced in interpreting these tests can help individuals make informed decisions about their diet and overall health.

Comparing Genova Diagnostics and LEAPs Test

Now let's compare the IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test by Genova Diagnostics and the LEAPs Test in various aspects to help you make an informed decision about which test may be best suited for you.

Accuracy and Reliability

Both tests are highly accurate and reliable in detecting food sensitivities. The IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test has been widely used for many years and has shown consistently reliable results. Similarly, the LEAPs Test has been proven to be accurate in determining food sensitivities by measuring chemical mediators released during immune reactions. Ultimately, the accuracy and reliability of either test may depend on individual factors and variations within each person's immune system.

Cost Comparison

In terms of cost, the IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test tends to be more affordable compared to the LEAPs Test. However, the cost may vary depending on the healthcare provider and location. It is always recommended to check with the provider for the most up-to-date pricing information.

Time Efficiency

When it comes to time efficiency, the IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test has an advantage. It requires only a small blood sample and can usually be done quickly and conveniently. On the other hand, the LEAPs Test may take longer as it involves a more complex process of analyzing chemical mediators released by white blood cells.

Pros and Cons of Each Test

Advantages of IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test

The IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test offers several advantages. Firstly, it provides a comprehensive analysis of potential food sensitivities, allowing for personalized dietary modifications. This means that individuals can gain a deeper understanding of how their body reacts to different foods and make informed choices about their diet. By identifying specific IgG antibody levels, this test can help individuals tailor their eating habits to better suit their unique needs.

Additionally, it is a convenient and non-invasive test that requires only a small blood sample. This makes it more accessible and less intimidating for individuals who may have reservations about medical procedures. The simplicity of the test also means that it can be easily administered in various healthcare settings, ensuring wider availability and convenience for patients.

Moreover, this test has a long-standing track record of reliable results. Through years of research and clinical use, the IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test has proven to be a trusted method for assessing food sensitivities. This reliability provides individuals with confidence in the accuracy of the test, allowing them to make well-informed decisions regarding their dietary choices.

Disadvantages of IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test

Like any medical test, the IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test also has limitations. It is essential to note that elevated IgG antibody levels do not necessarily indicate that the individual will experience symptoms or adverse reactions when consuming specific foods. While the test can provide valuable insights into potential sensitivities, it does not guarantee the presence of symptoms.

Furthermore, interpreting the results of this test may require additional expertise, as there can be variations in individuals' immune responses. Healthcare professionals need to consider various factors, such as the individual's overall health, medical history, and other diagnostic tests, to accurately interpret the test results. This highlights the importance of seeking professional guidance when utilizing the IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test.

Advantages of LEAPs Test

The LEAPs Test offers several unique advantages. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the immune system's response to foods and chemical additives by measuring chemical mediators released during immune reactions. This in-depth analysis can provide valuable insights into potential triggers for adverse food reactions and help guide dietary modifications.

Additionally, the LEAPs Test may be particularly beneficial for individuals with complex and chronic food sensitivities. By examining chemical mediators, this test can identify specific immune responses that may not be captured by other tests. This can be especially helpful for individuals who have struggled to find answers or relief from their symptoms through conventional testing methods.

Disadvantages of LEAPs Test

One of the main drawbacks of the LEAPs Test is its cost, which tends to be higher compared to the IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test. The extensive analysis process and specialized laboratory equipment required contribute to the higher price point. This cost factor may limit accessibility for some individuals, making it a less viable option for those with financial constraints.

Additionally, the analysis process for the LEAPs Test may take longer and involve a more complex procedure. The detailed examination of chemical mediators requires meticulous laboratory work and may require additional time for accurate results. Furthermore, the interpretation of these results also demands specialized expertise, which may limit the availability of the test in certain healthcare settings.


Both the IgG Food Antibodies Bloodspot Test by Genova Diagnostics and the LEAPs Test offer valuable insights into food sensitivities. Choosing the right test depends on various factors, including personal preferences, cost considerations, and the complexity of an individual's food sensitivities. Ultimately, consulting with a healthcare provider or a qualified professional can help determine which test is best suited to meet an individual's specific needs.

Regardless of the test chosen, understanding and addressing food sensitivities can play a crucial role in improving overall health and well-being. By identifying and avoiding trigger foods, individuals can take control of their diet and lead a more balanced and comfortable lifestyle.

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