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Tips for Living With IBS Part 2

IBS can make almost everything in life more difficult, but there are things you can do to manage it.

It’s never a good time to have IBS. When you feel that twinge in your stomach, you can’t wait to go to a bathroom, but the world at large is not necessarily designed for people with IBS. The fact of the matter is that there won’t always be a bathroom available, or you may not be in a position when you can get to the bathroom when you need to. IBS is, by no means, fun, but the good news is that you are not helpless when it comes to IBS. There are things you can do to manage it, and in our previous blog, we went over a few tips for managing your IBS. Keep reading to learn more.

#4. Exercise on a regular basis.

There’s nothing like going for a run or to the gym when your stomach is aching and you have diarrhea. And while exercising is probably not at the top of your priority list when you are suffering from IBS, it could be an essential part of easing your symptoms. Exercise may help to relieve your symptoms in a few different ways:

  • It eases stress - If you read our blog about the myths about IBS, then we don’t need to tell you that stress doesn’t cause IBS, like many people believe. However, stress can make the IBS symptoms you’re suffering from more severe, but exercise can help to keep your stress levels in check.
  • It improves digestion - Exercise helps to keep everything moving, which keeps your digestive system working as it should. Stress also helps to reduce constipation.
  • It promotes healthier dietary habits - People who exercise on a regular basis tend to lead all-around healthier lifestyles, including healthier diets. For some, this could help to ease IBS symptoms.
  • #5. Take control over your emotional health.

    In a previous blog about common IBS myths, we debunked the myth that IBS is caused by stress and other emotional problems, such as anxiety or depression. However, just because emotional distress doesn’t cause IBS, doesn’t mean that it can’t be a trigger for your symptoms. In fact, emotional distress can often lead to increased severity in IBS for many people, and it’s important to take control over your emotional health.

    #6. Talk to your doctor.

    If you’ve been suffering from your IBS in silence, then it’s time to talk to your doctor. As we talked about in our blog series, What Causes IBS?, there are many things that can cause IBS, and the only way to truly find relief from your symptoms is to treat the source of the problem. The only way to do this is by getting help from your doctor. One of the best ways you can prepare for talking to your doctor about your IBS is to keep a journal. This could help your doctor pinpoint your IBS triggers, as well as the cause of your IBS in general. Additionally, you may be required to undergo a series of tests that could include stool tests, x-rays and blood tests.

    In addition to all of the tips we’ve gone over, eating the right foods is one of the best things you can do to manage your IBS. Here at Casa De Sante, we offer a variety of low FODMAP foods, as well as low FODMAP cookbooks and recipes. Shop today!

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