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What are Probiotics and How Do They Work?

What are probiotics and how do they work?

Although many of us have heard of probiotics, we may not be aware of their proper use or how they function.

The benefits of probiotics for gut health come first, but why is that important? Your gut, which is at the hub of all body systems and affects everything from immunity to mood to physical and mental health, is more than just a place where food goes.

Inside our bodies, the gut microbiome and the brain work together closely and are continuously exchanging messages. The gut-brain axis is a mechanism that underlies this.

According to nutritional therapist Carola Becker, "When our digestive system is healthy, our central nervous system is happy too". You can consume probiotics as a supplement or find them in fermented foods like plain yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut.

In fact, a study published in the Clinics and Practice Journal found that taking the finest probiotics for just three weeks could help to repair your microbiome and lower levels of melancholy, stress, and anxiety (opens in new tab). Additionally, participants displayed a generally brighter attitude, increased vitality, and less mental fog. Additionally, probiotics have some observable advantages for guys.

In this article, we'll go over more information regarding the gut, how probiotics may maintain its effectiveness, and why doing so is so important for our general health and wellness.

What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are live bacteria that are excellent for you, especially your digestive system, according to the World Health Organization. When supplied in sufficient levels, probiotics are defined as "live microorganisms that impart a health benefit to the host."

As we've already heard, they can have a significant impact on how healthy your gut microbiome is, which is the collection of billions of bacteria in our digestive tract that may include 500 different species.

According to Ami Sheward, a nutritional therapist who specializes in gut and digestive health, "While some bacteria can be damaging to our health, many others are incredibly beneficial, and maintaining a harmonious balance between the 'good' and 'bad' bacteria is vital for our general health."

Our gut bacteria are formed from birth, and they not only aid in food digestion and nutrition absorption, but also in the production of vitamins and energy.

Sheward continues, "It is also vital for immune health, the expulsion of toxins from the body, and our emotional wellbeing." Numerous factors can affect the balance of our gut microbes, including diets high in sugar and processed carbohydrates, alcohol, antibiotics, stress, pollution, and toxins.

The good news is that there are things we can do, like making dietary adjustments and taking probiotic supplements, to improve the conditions for healthy bacteria to thrive.

Casa De Sante offers a variety of probiotic products that can help improve your overall gut health!

Our Advanced Probiotic and Prebiotics Dietary Supplement works wonders in giving you a healthy gut through its advanced blend of probiotics. This dietary supplement contains 5.75 billion CFU of healthy probiotic bacteria and it is specifically manufactured for people experiencing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestinal bacterial growth (SIBO).

What are the types of probiotics?

Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus are two of the most popular and extensively studied probiotics.

Bacterial probiotics known as bifidobacteria are frequently found in meals and supplements. In addition to limiting the growth of undesirable or harmful bacteria in the intestine, they are believed to enhance immunity by assisting in the breakdown of lactose into nutrients that the body can absorb.

Lactobacillus creates the enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose, or milk sugar. These bacteria also create lactic acid. Bad bacteria can be controlled by lactic acid. It also helps with mineral absorption and serves as a source of fuel for the muscles. The mouth, vaginal canal, and small intestine are all places where lactobacillus bacteria are present in nature.

You might already be consuming probiotic-containing items as part of your regular diet, according to Sheward. Yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, kimchi, cheese, and tempeh are just a few examples of the foods that have been fermented and contain healthy microbes. You can also increase your intake of probiotics by drinking fermented beverages like kombucha, a fermented tea, and kefir, a fermented dairy beverage.

How do probiotics work?

Good bacteria included in probiotics contribute to the body's continued health and effectiveness. When there are too many of these good bacteria, they can fight out the harmful ones, boosting the immune system and assisting in your recovery.

Functional Medicine Practitioner Danny Ly explains that when consumed, probiotic bacteria "compete" with potentially pathogenic germs in the gastrointestinal tract in an effort to reduce their negative effects (opens in new tab). They can accomplish this by creating anti-microbial compounds that can eradicate opportunistic pathogens and by binding to the viruses themselves. Because of this, it has also been demonstrated that having a diverse population of "good bugs" or bacteria in the gut can reduce allergies and sensitivities, strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation, improve nutrient absorption, and much more.

What are the benefits of probiotics?

Probiotics have a variety of advantages. They have been demonstrated to enhance, among other things, immunological function, digestive health, and cognitive performance, according to Sheward. There have also been studies linking constipation, blood pressure, skin health, and other problems to them.

The possibility of using probiotics to treat and manage Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a prevalent disorder that affects the digestive system and manifests as stomach pains, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation, has also been extensively researched.

According to Sheward, changes in the gut flora have been connected to IBS symptoms. Studies have shown that individuals with IBS, for instance, had lower amounts of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium and higher levels of pathogenic Streptococcus, E. coli in their stomachs. Their stomachs included E. coli and Clostridium.

Your innate immunity system functions somewhat like a paramedic since these astute immune cells are the first to respond to an injury or illness. They make an effort to lessen the harm but their answer is not particularly skilled.

While your innate immune system is highly specialized, it is more like a hospital consultant, she continues, "tailoring its reaction to the precise threat. It is able to do this by recalling previous interactions with a variety of viruses, bacteria, and other organisms. Together, these two immune systems guard you against microorganisms that cause disease while also regulating and balancing immunological responses. A probiotic supplement can lessen an illness' duration and intensity.

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