Are Apples Low FODMAP?

Medically Reviewed by Onikepe Adegbola, MD PhD, Dipl IBLM

Are apples low FODMAP?

FODMAPs are found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. Apple is a very nutritious fruit that may be added to your basket and is a fantastic source of nutritional fiber. Apples, on the other hand, are likely to be rich in FODMAPS, according to the Monash University FODMAP Diet app. This may not make IBS sufferers pleased, but there's a catch. The Monash app provided the maximum amount per serving that is considered low FODMAP:

If you're on a low FODMAP diet, here's a list of what you can eat and what you should avoid:

  • Dried Apple: 8 apple rings per serve (30g) - This serving size contains high amounts of excess fructose and the Poly-sorbitol, intake should be avoided.
  • Granny Smith Apple: 2 teaspoons per serve (25g) - is low FODMAP
  • Reconstituted Apple: a half serve is equal to 1/2 glass or 100ml (105g) contains high amount of excess fructose and Polyol-sorbitol and intake should be avoided.
  • Pink Lady Apple: 20g per serve is low FODMAP
  • Granny Smith Apple(Peeled): 1 tablespoons per serve (25g) - is low FODMAP
  • Pink Lady Apple(Peeled): 20g per serve is low FODMAP

What is the low FODMAP Diet?

The low FODMAP diet is a low-fibre, low-fibre, low-fibre, low-fibre, low-fibre, low-fibre, low-fibre, The diet forbids the use of specific types of carbohydrates that are known to induce digestive difficulties in people. The low FODMAP diet has been demonstrated to be useful in relieving the symptoms of patients with digestive disorders. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) sufferers may benefit from the diet as well (IBS).

Apple's Health Advantages

Apples provide numerous health benefits. A daily apple may not only keep the doctor away, but it may also help prevent heart disease, cancer, and other chronic ailments.

Apples are high in dietary fiber, which is healthy for your digestive health. Antioxidants are also included, which serve to protect the body from free radicals.

Apples also include vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to one's general health.

Apples have a variety of health benefits, including:

  • lowering the risk of coronary artery disease
  • lowering the chance of a stroke
  • lowering the cancer risk
  • lowering the risk of developing diabetes
  • Decreased Alzheimer's disease risk
  • lowering the chances of developing Parkinson's illness
  • gut health improvement
  • Immune system booster
  • It can help you lose weight.
  • avoiding constipation is number ten.
  • lowering the chances of gallstones
  • enhancing respiratory health
  • Defending against mental degeneration
  • Dealing with Depression
  • lowering the risk of osteoporosis
  • improving skin health
  • tooth decay prevention

If you have digestive issues and are on a low FODMAP diet, it's best to stick to the recommended amount per serve or consult your doctor about whether or not apple may be included in your diet.

Low FODMAP recipes with apples

You can still use apples in your dishes if you're on a low FODMAP diet. Apples are used in a variety of delectable cuisines.

Here are a few of our personal favorites:

If you want to try introducing apples into your diet, there are many of low-FODMAP dishes to choose from, including these two. We hope you like it as much as we do.


Hopefully, this blog post has answered some of your questions about apples and whether or not it is a low FODMAP food. Stay tuned for more posts about FODMAP friendly foods, and be sure to check out our other blog posts for more information on how to manage your digestive health.

Join our free low FODMAP course for beginners if you're looking for more information on following the low FODMAP diet. FODMAP 101 is the easiest way to learn about the low FODMAP diet, which can improve and even eliminate symptoms of IBS and SIBO. The program includes weekly food guides, a master meal plan with recipes, cooking videos, and more. Join here.

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