Is Ginger Low FODMAP? - casa de sante

Medically Reviewed by Onikepe Adegbola, MD PhD, Dipl IBLM

Ginger is a rhizome belonging to the family Zingiberaceae. It is the spice that gives ginger ale its characteristic taste and odor. Ginger is used medicinally as a carminative, a substance that helps to prevent or relieve gas in the stomach and intestines. It is also used as an antiemetic, to prevent or relieve nausea and vomiting. Ginger is a common ingredient in traditional remedies for various stomach ailments, such as indigestion, motion sickness, and morning sickness.

Gingerols are the main active ingredients in ginger. They are antioxidants that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Gingerols also have anti-inflammatory properties, which may explain why ginger is effective in treating arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Gingerols may also help to improve digestion and absorption of food.


The history of ginger goes back centuries and the root has been used as a folk remedy in many cultures. The most common use is to relieve nausea. Ginger can be eaten raw or added to food like bread and salads or beverages like tea or lemonade.

FODMAPs are carbohydrates that can cause digestive issues for people with IBS.  According to the Monash University FODMAP diet app, no FODMAPs were detected in ginger so you can eat freely according to appetite if you have IBS or are on the low FODMAP diet. 

Ginger's health benefits

Ginger is a great source of antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It may also help relieve nausea, indigestion, and other gastrointestinal problems. Additionally, ginger is a great source of fiber which can help to regulate bowel movements. If you're looking for something to help settle your stomach, ginger is one of the best natural solutions.


If you want to use ginger for its anti-nausea benefits, try adding some ginger to your diet or in a cup of tea. If you don't have the time or desire to make your own herbal brews, there are many pre-made ginger teas available at most grocery stores. Just be sure to check the ingredients list for any high FODMAP ingredients.

In conclusion, ginger is a great way to relieve nausea, and according to Monash App, ginger is  low in FODMAPs.

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Keto Paleo Low FODMAP Cert, Gut & Ozempic Friendly

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