Understanding FODMATE vs FODZYME

Digestive discomfort can limit your food choices. But what if there was a way to eat the foods you love without the after-effects? This article delves into the world of FODMATE and FODZYME, two revolutionary products designed to help you digest fast-fermentable fibers, also known as FODMAPs, with ease.

Breaking Down FODMAPs: A New Approach

FODMAPs, or Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides and Polyols, are certain types of carbohydrates found in many foods. These carbohydrates can cause discomfort for some individuals, especially those with digestive disorders like IBS, Crohn's disease and others.

Typically, a low-FODMAP diet is recommended for these individuals. However, such a diet can be restrictive and sometimes downright impossible to follow. This is where FODMATE and FODZYME come into play. These enzyme blends are designed to break down FODMAPs into simple sugars, making them more digestible and less likely to cause discomfort.

FODMATE: A Game-Changer in Digestive Health

Casa de Sante's FODMAP Digestive Enzymes, also known as FODMATE, offers a unique solution for those struggling with high FODMAP foods. This product is designed to support the digestive health of individuals dealing with digestive disorders.

FODMATE can provide relief from occasional discomfort like cramping, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation that may result from the consumption of high FODMAP foods.

FODMATE is one of the most complete digestive enzyme formulations available. It contains a diverse range of enzymes, each aimed at helping with the digestion of different food groups.

The Enzyme Blend of FODMATE

1. Alpha Galactosidase: Helps digest beans, legumes, and vegetables.

2. Amylase: Helps digest carbohydrates.

3. Beta Glucanase: Helps digest fiber and grains.

4. Bromelain: Helps digest proteins and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.

5. Cellulase: Helps digest plant wall and fiber.

6. Glucoamylase: Helps digest carbohydrates.

7. Hemicellulase: Helps digest carbohydrates in plant foods.

8. Invertase: Helps digest sucrose.

9. Lactase: Helps digest milk sugar in dairy products.

10. Lipase: Helps digest fats.

11. Malt Diastase: Helps digest carbohydrates from grains.

12. Papain: Helps digest proteins and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.

13. Pectinase: Helps digest fruit and vegetables.

14. Phytase: Helps digest phytic acid in nuts and grains.

15. Protease: Helps digest protein.

16. Xylanase: Helps digest plant wall fiber.


The recommended use of FODMATE is 1 to 2 capsules with each meal, or as needed.

FODZYME: Bringing Back the Joy of Eating

FODZYME is another promising product that offers a unique solution to FODMAP digestion. It contains a special enzyme blend that breaks down FODMAPs like fructan, galacto-oligosaccharides, and lactose into simpler sugars.

When sprinkled on or mixed with high-FODMAP meals, FODZYME can help you savor every bite without worrying about digestive discomfort later. It's a simple and convenient way to enjoy your favorite foods again, without the fear of gut distress.

The Power of FODZYME

FODZYME's novel enzyme blend includes fructan hydrolase, which specifically addresses fructan, a common FODMAP trigger. The powder can be mixed with your food, allowing the enzymes to integrate and break down your FODMAP triggers before they can affect your gut.

FODZYME is designed to bring flavor back into your life. It can provide instant results, allowing you to get back to social activities and set your tastebuds free.

In Conclusion

Both FODMATE and FODZYME offer unique solutions to individuals who struggle with FODMAP digestion. They represent a shift in the traditional approach to dealing with FODMAPs, offering a less restrictive alternative to a low-FODMAP diet.

Whether you choose FODMATE or FODZYME, you can expect a significant improvement in your digestive health, allowing you to enjoy a wider variety of foods without the discomfort. So why not give them a try and bring the joy back to eating?

Remember, though, it's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have a known medical condition.


Shop Low FODMAP Digestive Enzymes here.

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Keto Paleo Low FODMAP Cert, Gut & Ozempic Friendly

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Keto. Paleo. No Digestive Triggers. Shop Now

No onion, no garlic – no pain. No gluten, no lactose – no bloat. Low FODMAP certified.

Stop worrying about what you can't eat and start enjoying what you can. No bloat, no pain, no problem.

Our gut friendly keto, paleo and low FODMAP certified products are gluten-free, lactose-free, soy free, no additives, preservatives or fillers and all natural for clean nutrition. Try them today and feel the difference!