Best Supplements For Insulin Resistance PCOS

If you have been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), you may be aware of the insulin resistance that often accompanies this condition. Insulin resistance means that your body is not responding normally to the insulin hormone, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. This results in high blood sugar levels and a host of other health issues. In this article, we will explore the best supplements that can help manage insulin resistance in women with PCOS.

Understanding Insulin Resistance and PCOS

PCOS is a hormonal disorder that affects women of childbearing age. The exact causes of this condition are not fully understood, but it is known that insulin resistance and high levels of androgens, which are male hormones, play a role in the development of PCOS. Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas and helps our cells use glucose for energy. When we eat, our blood sugar levels rise, and insulin acts as a key to unlock cells to absorb the glucose. In women with PCOS, the cells become resistant to insulin, leading to a buildup of glucose in the bloodstream. This excess glucose is then converted to fat, leading to weight gain and other health problems.

Insulin resistance is a common condition that affects many people, not just those with PCOS. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. Insulin resistance can lead to a range of health problems, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. It is important to manage insulin resistance through lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and a healthy diet, to prevent these complications.

There are several treatment options available for women with PCOS and insulin resistance. These include medications that help to regulate insulin levels, such as metformin, and lifestyle changes, such as weight loss and exercise. It is important to work with a healthcare provider to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses the specific needs of each individual with PCOS.

How Insulin Resistance Affects Women with PCOS

Insulin resistance can cause a range of symptoms in women with PCOS, including weight gain, irregular periods, acne, and excess hair growth. Women with PCOS also have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues, making it important to manage their insulin resistance effectively. By maintaining stable blood sugar levels, women with PCOS can reduce the severity of their symptoms, improve their fertility, and reduce their risk of developing long-term health complications.

One way to manage insulin resistance in women with PCOS is through lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and a healthy diet. Exercise can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A diet that is low in processed foods and high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats can also help regulate blood sugar levels and improve insulin resistance. In some cases, medication may also be necessary to manage insulin resistance and other symptoms of PCOS.

The Role of Supplements in Managing Insulin Resistance and PCOS

While lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet and regular exercise are key to managing insulin resistance in PCOS, supplements can also play a significant role. Certain nutrients have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels, making them an effective natural remedy for women with PCOS. In this section, we will explore the top 7 supplements that can help manage insulin resistance in women with PCOS.

One of the most effective supplements for managing insulin resistance in PCOS is inositol. Inositol is a type of sugar that is naturally found in the body and has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce testosterone levels, and regulate menstrual cycles in women with PCOS. Another supplement that has been shown to be beneficial for women with PCOS is omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce insulin resistance and improve lipid profiles in women with PCOS.

It is important to note that while supplements can be helpful in managing insulin resistance in PCOS, they should not be used as a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise. It is always best to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen, as some supplements may interact with medications or have potential side effects. With the right combination of lifestyle changes and supplements, women with PCOS can effectively manage their insulin resistance and improve their overall health and well-being.

Top 7 Supplements to Help Manage Insulin Resistance in PCOS


Magnesium is an essential mineral that is involved in over 300 chemical reactions in the body. It plays a critical role in glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, making it an important supplement for women with PCOS. Studies have shown that magnesium supplementation can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels, leading to better glycemic control in women with PCOS. The recommended dosage of magnesium for women with PCOS is between 300-500mg per day.


Chromium is a trace mineral that is involved in glucose uptake and insulin signaling. Studies have shown that chromium supplementation can improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels in women with PCOS. Chromium picolinate is the most bioavailable form of chromium and is recommended at a dosage of 200-1000mcg per day.


Berberine is a natural plant compound that has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels in women with PCOS. It works by activating an enzyme called AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which helps to regulate glucose metabolism. Berberine is recommended at a dosage of 500-1500mg per day.


Inositol is a type of B vitamin that plays a role in insulin signaling and ovarian function. Studies have shown that inositol supplementation can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce symptoms of PCOS such as irregular periods and acne. Inositol is recommended at a dosage of 2000-4000mg per day.

Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that is involved in regulating calcium metabolism and immune function. It has also been shown to play a role in insulin sensitivity. Women with PCOS have been shown to have lower levels of vitamin D compared to healthy women, making supplementation an important option. The recommended dosage of vitamin D for women with PCOS is between 1000-2000IU per day.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Omega-3 fatty acids are healthy fats that are found in fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel. They have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation in women with PCOS. Omega-3 supplements are recommended at a dosage of at least 1000mg per day.


Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your digestive system. They have been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation in women with PCOS. Probiotics can be found in fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut, or taken as a supplement. The recommended dosage of probiotics for women with PCOS is between 10-20 billion CFUs per day.

The Dosage and Timing of Taking Supplements to Manage Insulin Resistance in PCOS

The dosage and timing of taking supplements for managing insulin resistance in PCOS can vary depending on the specific supplement. It is important to follow the instructions on the label and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns. Some supplements may be taken with food while others are best taken on an empty stomach. Taking supplements consistently at the same time each day can also help to optimize their effectiveness.

It is important to note that taking supplements alone may not be enough to manage insulin resistance in PCOS. A healthy diet and regular exercise are also crucial components of managing this condition. Supplements should be used in conjunction with these lifestyle changes for optimal results.

Additionally, it is important to be aware of potential interactions between supplements and medications. Some supplements may interact with certain medications, so it is important to inform your healthcare provider of all supplements and medications you are taking to avoid any potential adverse effects.

Foods to Avoid When Managing Insulin Resistance with Supplements in PCOS

When managing insulin resistance with supplements in PCOS, it is important to avoid certain foods that can worsen blood sugar levels. These include sugary and processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and high glycemic index foods. Instead, focus on a balanced diet that includes plenty of fiber, protein, healthy fats, and low glycemic index carbohydrates.

In addition to avoiding sugary and processed foods, it is also important to limit your intake of saturated and trans fats. These types of fats can contribute to inflammation and insulin resistance. Instead, choose healthy fats such as those found in nuts, seeds, avocados, and fatty fish.

Another important factor to consider when managing insulin resistance with supplements in PCOS is portion control. Even healthy foods can cause blood sugar spikes if consumed in large quantities. It is recommended to eat smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day to help regulate blood sugar levels.

Possible Side Effects of Taking Supplements to Manage Insulin Resistance in Women with PCOS

While supplements can be an effective way of managing insulin resistance in women with PCOS, they can also cause side effects if taken in high doses or in combination with certain medications. It is important to speak with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements to determine the correct dosage and ensure they are safe for you to take.

One potential side effect of taking supplements to manage insulin resistance in women with PCOS is gastrointestinal distress. This can include symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. These symptoms can be mild or severe, and may require discontinuing the use of the supplement.

Another potential side effect is hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. This can occur if the supplement causes insulin levels to drop too low. Symptoms of hypoglycemia can include shakiness, dizziness, confusion, and even loss of consciousness. It is important to monitor blood sugar levels closely when taking supplements for insulin resistance, and to seek medical attention if symptoms of hypoglycemia occur.

Other Lifestyle Changes to Complement the Use of Supplements for Managing Insulin Resistance in Women with PCOS

Supplements are just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to managing insulin resistance in women with PCOS. Other lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, stress management, and maintaining a healthy weight are also important. It is important to work with a healthcare professional to create a comprehensive plan that addresses all aspects of managing insulin resistance in PCOS.

In conclusion, insulin resistance is a common issue for women with PCOS, but supplements can play an important role in managing this condition. A combination of lifestyle changes and targeted supplementation can help to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce blood sugar levels, and alleviate symptoms of PCOS. Speak to a healthcare professional to determine the best course of action for your individual needs.

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