Low FODMAP Protein Nut Butter Ice Cream (Video)

This low FODMAP treat makes 4 servings.


1. Combine protein powder, cacao powder & almond milk in a small bowl.
2. Mix until completely combined & dissolved.
3. Blend all together.
4. Transfer to a container, cover and freeze for an hour or longer. It is scoopable if frozen for around an hour. If served immediately, it is like soft-serve ice cream. If frozen for longer (overnight or a few days), let it thaw first before you serve. ⁠

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Keto Paleo Low FODMAP Cert, Gut & Ozempic Friendly

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Keto. Paleo. No Digestive Triggers. Shop Now

No onion, no garlic – no pain. No gluten, no lactose – no bloat. Low FODMAP certified.

Stop worrying about what you can't eat and start enjoying what you can. No bloat, no pain, no problem.

Our gut friendly keto, paleo and low FODMAP certified products are gluten-free, lactose-free, soy free, no additives, preservatives or fillers and all natural for clean nutrition. Try them today and feel the difference!